The hospital has this amazing fish tank with all of the characters from Finding Nemo, and she LOVED watching all the fish swim by. She sat in front of it for sometime pointing at the fish. It was a very good today for London today.
It was also a very good day for 2 other friends that she has made while in here. Oliver is a little boy who was across the hall. He has spent a good majority of his 4 years in the hospital. He has what is called, Hollow Visceral Miopathy. There are only 2 other children in Canada with the disorder. This disorder has caused all of his hollow organs (espohegus, bowels, stomach, bladder ect) to become paralyzed. He has very little, if any, motility in those organs. It is truly amazing though to watch him. He is unable to eat very much during the day (because it just doesn't go anywhere), so his mom hooks him up to TPN every night for 14 hours, and the nuishment that he recieves at night is enough to sustain him throughout the whole day. He is the happiest little boy. You would NEVER know that he has had so many struggles in his life by looking at him. Needless to say, Oliver was able to go home today. Yeah Oliver!!!!
Another little girl down the hall also was able to go home today... with some great news too. Madison is 15 and lives in Red Deer. She was admited to the hospital because the doctors thought that she had Crohn's. They did an ultrasound and discovered that her appendix was extremely large. After a straight forward appendectomy she was able to go home without a life changing diagnosis. Yeah for Madison!!!!!!
Hello April, its Mariana. I am on mat leave and read our work email sporadically but the news about you and little London got to me finally all the way to Europe where I am right now. I just want to say that you are in my thoughts and I am so happy that things are getting better for you guys!!! Sending you all the positive thoughts that I can!!!