I have never been one who accepts help easily. I like to be able to do things by myself. I am sure that I have made things much for difficult for myself with this way of thinking.... but none the less this is me. It is not that I don't like help, or think that I can do it better myself..... it is that I really don't want to be a burden on anyone. If I have learned one thing from all of this with London, it is that I have started to ask for help. I'm not saying that I am good at it still, but I think that I am more open to it than I have ever been. There have been so many helping hands that I have been so willing. SO many people willing and ready to serve my family. I have said it again and I will say it again..... thank you. Just today Ben opened the front door to find 2... yes I said 2 large coolers full of freezer meals, gift cards and baked goodies dropped off by 2 wonderful ladies from my work. I am beyond touched by this act of kindness. I have not been to work for well over a year and yet these wonderful women that I work with still find time in their busy schedules to care for me and my family. I knew that I worked with special women, but this goes above and beyond. Thank you unit 62 for thinking and caring about us.

I had to post this picture of London. We are still in isolation and so we have not been able to leave our room for many days now. Often during the day time London will point to the door and we will stand in the door way and she will wave to everyone that walks by. Her new trick is that she like to walk over to the door by pushing her IV poll over to it.
She is doing well today. We have started feedings again. She has tolerated them very well. There is talk about starting to wean her TPN (yea), however they still have been increasing her lipids because her weight gain has not been spectacular (surprise, surprise.....).
As it stands today it looks like they will scope her on Tuesday if all continues to go well, and then (I am keeping my fingers crossed) I am hoping that we will be closer to going home.
london is a doll! we love her pigtails! keep hanging in there.
ReplyDeleteI posted about London on our blog tonight. I stole some of your pictures to do it. I hope you don't mind.
ReplyDeleteI so love the the picture of London's little tiny figure holding on to that gigantic IV pole in the doorway. And I can picture her big, round eyes looking up at passersby and waving those little fingers at them. We miss her so much! We pray multiple times a day that she will be well and return home soon. We can't wait to see you guys this summer.
I am also so so grateful for all those taking care of you guys up there when we are so far away and can't help. I hope they know how grateful we are to them.
We love you guys!