Ben brought Bailee and Lincoln up to the hopsital the other day to visit with London. The kids had just recieved their report cards and let me tell you.... I have 2 very smart kiddos. I am one very proud mamma. We try to celebrate their report cards (weather good or bad), and so I decided that while I had Ben at the hospital that he could sit and cuddle with London (tough job I know... it took a lot of convincing.....) I would take Bailee and Lincoln out to celebrate their report cards. Just the day before a friend of mine informed me that their was a Cobbs bakery just around the corner from the hospital (for you that live in Calgary, if you have never heard of Cobbs bakery before, may I say, that you are really missing out. I discovered it while I had Lincoln in a Co-op preschool with some friends and we went there for one of our field trip.... they allowed the kids to go into the back and make their own goodies). Needless to say their products are so yummy. With out treats in hand we headed to Chapters and they each were able to pick out a couple of books of their choice (I'm sure some of you will think that this kind of gift is really lame... but my kids LOVE to read). I also decided that since we were so close that we would go up and see the new temple that is being built in Calgary. The kids were so excited to see Moroni on top. It was a great day. I loved the time I was able to spend with them.

So update on London. They still have her on TPN. The doctor says that she will probably be on it until the end of the week. She is starting to perk up a little bit in the morning, which is really nice to see. They still have us on isolation, because of her positive Rtoavirus... which really sucks. And she hasn't pooped because she doesn't have anything in her tummy, which means they can't re-test it to see if she is over it... so in isolation we stay.
We had a bit of a scare today with her PICC line..again. One of her ports had come undone and I did not realize it. I had walked over the othe other side of her room to grab something and when I looked back we had a trail of blood splatter all over the floor, their was blood driping on me and her. It looked like a scene out of a horror story. I'm glad to say that it was an easy fix, but no the less scary.
So it sounds like we have a bit of a set back today. They have been testing her blood levels every moring, and this morning her Cholestrol levels were extremely high. They stopped her lipids (which is just straight fat) and said that they will test her levels again tomorrow and see if maybe we can start the lipids again. The setback is that they will need to start them at the rate they started them on Saturday.
We all know that London has had a difficult time with weight gain.. that is not a secret. But since she has been in hospital, she has lost a whole pound. Today she weighs 11 lbs 12 oz. Without her lipids and without any food, she will continue to loose weight..... Which is a battle that we will continue to fight for a long time I guess.
I got the okay from the doctor to try some pedialyte with her today. I was super excited to give something to her. She took it great... and then puked it back up. Looks like it is going to take us a while to work her up to any sustainable amount of food.
oh april! im soo sorry! that just sounds soo sad! but glad to hear that you are staying positive. are they saying how long she will be there for?
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with little London, her siblings, parents, and extended family! She is such a beautiful little girl, all of you children are beautiful! Thank you for the info and updates, it helps me to have specific requests in my prayers and helps me to get to know your family! Love you guys and pray for the quickest and best recovery! Love, Aunt Shelley
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear of the challenges that you and your family are facing! Hopefully, London will be able to eat soon, without puking or having it come quickly out the other end! Is her name on the prayer roll?
ReplyDeleteHang in there!
oh man. sounds like march is going to be a long month for you. hang in there dude. and give london a big hug for me! she is in ALL our prayers.