We TOTALLY got hit by a wicked storm. The wind was so bad that we thought that the hail was going to smash our windows. We actually headed to the basement for cover. I have NEVER seen a storm like this before.

The hail is crazy. Looking outside you would have thought that it was December.

Thankfully our umbrella is the only thing that be need to replace... plus a few leave off of our trees and bushes.

Watching the weather network, after the storm we came to find out that there was indeed a tornado warning in effect for Calgary and that there had been sightings of tornado's in the southeast of Calgary. We also had water pouring into our windows (I mean pouring).
My mom called and told me about your Tornado but I had to get on and look at the pictures myself. CRAZY! I'm glad that was all the damage that took place though and that you are all doing well. Crazy weather!