So this is the LAST picture that we will have of this trampoline. Three days ago, Lincoln was jumping and landed on his back (kind of like doing a back drop). Only I don't think that he was really ready for it, because his head whipped back and then he complained that night that his neck hurt. I bet that it did. The next day (yesterday) the poor kid was in such agony that even sowing down the car to turn a corner was hurting him enough to make him cry. (Lincoln is not a complainer...he's a tough kid). So needless to say, I tried 3 walk in clinics before I found a place that had time to look at him...2 hour wait though...sucky part was, I had to work in 1 hour. So my awesome mother sat in the doctors office, with 4 children and waited 1 1/2 hours until they could get him in, then waited again as they took x-rays. I am glad to say that h does not have a broken neck (thankfully), but down have very sever whiplash. The kid is tough though, he played al ittle today and complained a little, but I know that if that were me or any other adult, I'd be in physiotherapy for moths trying to get back to normal. Kids are so resilient it amazes me!
Oh Lincoln! We're glad you were okay. You'd better be careful on Grandma & Grandpa Hughes' trampoline next week!
ReplyDeleteWe can't wait to see you guys! Drive safe.