Monday, July 26, 2010
July 26 2010, TORNADO
Saturday Picnic at the Lake

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
So this is the LAST picture that we will have of this trampoline. Three days ago, Lincoln was jumping and landed on his back (kind of like doing a back drop). Only I don't think that he was really ready for it, because his head whipped back and then he complained that night that his neck hurt. I bet that it did. The next day (yesterday) the poor kid was in such agony that even sowing down the car to turn a corner was hurting him enough to make him cry. (Lincoln is not a complainer...he's a tough kid). So needless to say, I tried 3 walk in clinics before I found a place that had time to look at him...2 hour wait though...sucky part was, I had to work in 1 hour. So my awesome mother sat in the doctors office, with 4 children and waited 1 1/2 hours until they could get him in, then waited again as they took x-rays. I am glad to say that h does not have a broken neck (thankfully), but down have very sever whiplash. The kid is tough though, he played al ittle today and complained a little, but I know that if that were me or any other adult, I'd be in physiotherapy for moths trying to get back to normal. Kids are so resilient it amazes me!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thanks mom
Today was a particularly hard day for me. I found the kids particularly challenging. After cleaning up 2 urine drenched children this morning, 2 poopy pairs of underwear, and 1 urine soaked, a kitchen that the kids had turned into a swimming pool, several loads of laundry and 4 very grumpy children I am so done for the day. My wonderful mother sent me a link to You Tube. On it was a talk by Jeffery R. Holland. He spoke about the importance of mothers, that they are special, and needed in the world. I was very touched by it. Thank you mom. You always seem to know what I need.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Bailee is my monkey. She LOVES to play on the monkey bars. I think tat she would stay there all day if I would let her. She has permanent callus' on her hands now. She's pretty good at it. She can skip well. Lincoln has now picked up on the monkey bars. Bailee is very patient with him and is trying to teach him to be as good at it as she is.
I tried to do them the other day, I must be REALLY bottom heavy, because there was no way that my hands were holding me while I went across them.

The boys were making rock angels. Lovely aren't they. They look more like they fell asleep in the rocks more than anything.
I love this picture. Harrison was so happy on the swings. He laughed and laughed. Lincoln was being a good big brother and pushing him on them. Harrison thought that it was the best thing since his bottle earlier that day.
* Notice the long pants and long sleeves. Yes it is JULY. I guess that Mother Nature forgot about us here in Calgary. *
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Calgary Stampede

Ben took Bailee and Lincoln for their annual rodeo trip. They were so excited to go. I am glad for this, because it is freakin cold here. Temperature is about 8 C with wind gusts about 45-50 km/h. So not summer weather. They pretty much resembled the kid off of the Christmas story. No I am not just exaggerating either. They both had their winter coats on, hats, mittens, and winter boots, and I sent with with a blanket, just in case. I even had to bring an extra coat and mittens for Ben too. Ben's pretty hardy, so you know it was cold.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Our summer days
We have the greatest park near our house (about 10 houses away actually). It is nicknamed "the drop of doom park" because it has this wicked steep and fast slide. The kids love to go it. I have been trying to get out for a walk every morning and this morning my friend Sharla called to see if she and her kids could come. Of course they could, it is always nice to have company on a walk. The walk stated out a little bumpy. Jackson decided to race down the middle of our street and then out into the main street. I could see cars coming, so I put the break on Harrison in the stroller and booked it down to him. I was not very impressed with him, but slightly impressed with the speed that I arrived to him. Needless to say we made it to the park without further incidence. Jackson found some nice rocks, there nice don't you think? He said to me, "mommy can you take a picture of my cool rocks?" SO here it is, just for you Jackson,a picture of your cool rocks.
I think that Lincoln could have easily played the part of Jack on the Titanic with this pose :)
Bailee and Nyah had so much fun today, only they were sad because the boys kept "bugging them". They decided to find a hiding place and build their own little girls club. Oh the things that I have to look forward too.
My little monkey. What more can I say. He plays this part well.
So we have 4 bedrooms in our home. Bailee has an awesome room in the basement that her uncle Matt built for her, and Lincoln and Jackson each have their own bunk beds. Yet they choose to all cram into one little twin bed. I guess I shouldn't complain at least they aren't all fighting with one another.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
First Stampede Breakfast of the Year!

A friend of my moms, Jill Rae, kindly invited us to attend a pancake breakfast for her work. It was awesome. They had bouncy houses for the kids, snakes and lizards and the coolest thing of it all......fainting goats. They are soooo cool. I think goats are pretty cool anyways, but these one are way better than the rest. If you scare them, they will simply pass out. Cool huh!!!!!
Bailee is usually a big help, and she has been even more so since school let out. She dressed Jackson this morning and did a pretty good job I thought. Jackson decided that he however needed to accessorize his camo attire with a cowboy hat and boots. I guess we won't have to worry about him entering the fashion designer world.

The kids got to pet the coolest goats on the face of the earth, and their was a bunny too.

My cowboy. I look pretty raged. I got home at 4am from work and we left for the breakfast before 8am. I was exhausted, but it was fun and the kids loved it.

Jackson loves his papas. I think that his papas love him too!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Fun on the Farm

Believe it or not.... okay I am sure that you believe it. Lincoln jumped into the golf cart at the farm and started driving away in it. Chris had to jump into the moving golf cart to stop it. Lincoln + empty golf cart with keys left in it = TROUBLE. Oh Lincoln!!!!!!!!! The stories that we will have to tell at your wedding.

Brothers from another mother?
Cousin Kimmies Married!!!! cont.

Being a bridesmaid, and the brides sister comes with its advantages?

My cousin and I.

My dads sister. I don't think that I ever expected to see her again. Kelly lives out in Ontario. t was great to see her. Maybe we should shoot for a visit every 5-10 years rather than every 15-20 years?

Ben and I. What a hot looking couple huh?
Cousin Kimmies Married!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010
July 4th
Happy Independence Day! Ben was very grateful for Bishop Leishman of the Chaparral ward today who went out of his way to let him know that they would be singing the Star Spangled Banner for the closing hymn.
That was a highlight of his day today. Thank you. Ben has spent most of the day annoying our neighbours by lighting off BlackCat firecrackers in the backyard, front yard, etc. (totally illegal in Canada. Thank goodness we have awesome neighbours).
Its been a very busy and eventful weekend with Kin and Daves wedding (pictures to come)
and BBQ today.
Church today was a very nice change in the pace. What an awesome testimony meeting. Chris and Connie Law were there for Justin and Kira Palmer's blessing of Landon. Amazing people. I will forever be grateful to them for the invitation that they made for my family to have the missionaries "practice" their discussions on us (that statement still makes me chuckle).
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Canada Day Hike

Seeing as how Canada Day is on the Thursday this year, we thought that it would be fun to drive up to "the snowy mountains" aka. Bragg Creek, and go for a hike.

It was a blast. Jackson spent a good hour at least throwing rocks into the river,

and Bailee and Lincoln "fished" while Ben "helped" them (It was his way of getting a
round not needing a fishing license).

Harrison's 1st Birthday
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