Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Trying to keep up

So I have been really bad at blogging. I wish I could say that I'm going to do better and never get behind again..... but I would be lying. It is sad to think about everything that has happened since my last post in November that I have not documented. I have been really trying to focus on a few things first before I focused on my blog again. One was reading my sciptures everyday....which I have been successful at so far and two is writing in my journal, not my blog, but my private journal. I found this amazing website called "Oh Life" that will eamil you everyday a reminder email to write in your journal. The concept is so amazingly simple too, you get an email in your in box , you respond to it with your entry and they store it in an online journal for you.....for free!!!!!! I love it. So since I think that I have done a pretty good job of my two goals, I thought that now would be a good time to try this blogging thing again. So here we go..........