Sunday, October 30, 2011

I despise Halloween. I loath it actually. I think that it is by far the most worthless holiday. BUT the kids sure do love it, and it just happens to be Bens favorite holiday. So I am a little out numbered when it comes to my negativity about the whole day. Our ward had their yearly halloween party, this year it was a dance. It was lots of fun. The kids had a blast. Ben won for the scariest costume!!!!!
Is it me or is there something seriously wrong with this picture?

I have always been facinated with family history, but lately I have picked up working on it again. I went ot the family history centre the other night and worked with a lady in my ward (Darla Smigel) on trying to find my ancestors names. Together we found 15 names! I came home and was so excited. I found another 3 on my own at home the next day!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A new .....

So I have tried writting in my journal. I am so not consistant at it and frankly I don't really like it. I thought that blogging would be easier. Not so. I am in so much awe at my sisters ability to just tell it how it is in her blog. I love how honest she is. I have decided to make this blog about me and my family. Anyone following is more than welcome to read the posts, but I have decided to stop worrying about others think and start posting for me.

Now thats I've got that behind me. I will begin. I have to say, these last 7 plus months since London has been born have definetly been challenging. There has been a lot of emotion on the surface of everyone at home. A lot of unknowns. A lot of unanswered questions. At one time, with her last hospital admission 3 months ago I honestly didn't know if she was going to live or die. How do I tell tell the other kids that their baby sister may not be coming home? She has had so many test run on her little body. She is such a tough cookie. I love my other children so much, but there is something so sweet about London. I know that we have been blessed with her for a very special purpose. I don't know what it is exactly, but there is just something very special about her.

London (7 months) and her bestest friend Eden (4 months).

I have had a lot of candid conversations with her GI doctor. We will call him Dr W. He is very good. I know that he has been a rough couple of 6 weeks, trying to get life back on the right track, but I am grateful that Dr W had the courage to speak up and to express his thoughts and feelings. It has forced me to start to make some changes with myself and for Ben and I to try to make some changes together. I met with him again today. I have been feeling as though he keeps pointing at me as the reson for Londons slow weight gain. I have left every meeting together questioning my ability as a mother and living in fear that CPS will show up at my door. I was happy to find out that was not the case. That being said, I think that maybe he needs to work on his delivery a little bit.

Harrison is 3 days without having an peepee accident. No such luck on the poop yet, but hey you got to start somewhere. I am so excited. He has also been dry for 3 mornings in a row. Heaven sent I tell you.

Lincoln is doing so well with his reading. I am so impressed with the progress that he is making at school. He is loving school and that makes me so happy. I was really concerned with how well he would do with school but seriously, so impressed. We are still working out a few behavioural issues with him, but all in all I have seen quite an improvement from the summer. I am curious to see what Dr Goldade says when we see her again in Novemeber.

Jackson is such a sweet kid. I love his hugs and kisses that he gives. He gives the best cuddles ever.

A couple of posts back I talked about my new stove and oven. Tahdah!!!!!! Here they are. Aren't they beautiful!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The temple

Yesterday was our yearly ward temple trip. I love this activity. It is such a good experience for everyone. It is an early morning, (5 am to be exact), and a 2 hour drive from Calgary to Cardston but the kids were so excited to go and see the temple. Our ward books a chapel in town where we can drop the kids off so that we can go through the temple. We arrived just after 8am and were rushing to get the kids situated to make the 830 session. Ben discovered the night before that his recommend was expired. We thought that we would be able to just get one of the members from the bishopric to vouch for him and all would be good. Not so. They would not allow him in the temple with an expired temple recommend. CRAP! Now this could have gone 2 ways. 1- Ben and I get mad and both leave upset and don't get to enjoy the temple, 2- I go in and he doesn't and one of us enjoys the temple. We opted for #2. It sucked going by myself (something that I don't want to do again in this life or the eternities...) but I love the temple. It is a great place to get a real perspective on things and to really get in touch with those things that are really, truly important. I am so grateful that we will have a temple in Calgary soon.
Cardston Temple
Cardston temple

Photograph of the Calgary Alberta Mormon Temple
Calgary Temple

Harrison is on day 6 of potty training. He is doing SO good!!!!!!!!! He is 2 days without an accident and this morning he woke up DRY!!!!!!! I so hope that he will be the first one that won;t need pull ups at night. I'm not sure that I want to do 4 of my potty trained kids in pull ups. It would be so nice to get him night time trained and then continue to work on the rest. I deserve it right?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Its a first!!!!

So a couple of firsts in the last couple of days.....

1- Harrison has started potty training!!!!!!! Now this may come across as something that I am excited about, don;t get me wrong I am all for changing one less bum. However the whole process of potty training......really detest. If there is one thing that I could contract would be potty training. We are well on our way though. Today was day #3 and it was better than day #2 and much better than day #1. It can only get better....I hope.

2- London has sprouted her first 2 teeth in the last 2 days. They are little nubs right now but they are there. Bring on the beef!

So Ben and I have been talking for some time about moving into a bigger house. Now our house does just fine I understand that, but it would be much nicer to have something a little bit more functional. BUT neither one of us was really willing to spend and extra $100000 plus to do so. SO instead we are staying in our cozy home and adding a few extras. Like a brand new gorgeous Wolf gas range and a new dishwasher. I am very exited to use them. Now onto hot tub shopping!