Friday, August 24, 2012

The Aquarium

Today was the kids last offical week day before school starts on Monday, so we thought that we would try to make it an extra special day. What better way to start a special day than with breakfast at I Hop right??? 
After we stuffed our selves with pancakes, bacon and eggs we headed downtown to the Houston aquarium.
Jackson hanging out with the sting rays.

 Ben touching the sting rays. The other kids were too scared to touch them. They loved watching them though.

 On the train to see the sharks.

 London and daddy
 Bailee and Lincoln on the farriswheel.
 London didn't really like the merry-go-round. Do you see the fear in her eyes.
 The three boys... I mean Ben and two of the boys.
There was a white tiger at the aquarium. London loved it, can you tell?


  1. Yea! It was so fun to get on to your blog and see so many new posts! All the pics from Nampa made me homesick but I'm glad you guys had so much fun there.
    The new house looks beautiful! Congrats and good luck filling it all up! You'd be surprised how quickly it can happen.
    We are glad to hear all is going well for you guys. Hang in there since (as we have learned) it always takes a little time to adjust. The kids will have their moments but they'll adjust eventually. Passion still has her moments even two months later.
    We are going to have to plan a time to come visit you guys since there is only one state separating us. I'll have to check into how long the drive is.
    We miss you guys!
