Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School

Bailee, Lincoln and Jackson started school today!!!!! It was a very bitter sweet day. The kids were very nervous going to a new school, meeting new friends and having new teachers. They were super excited to wear their new clothes, shoes and pack their backpacks for the day.
Harrison desperately wanted to go to school today also.
 Bailee's first day of 4th grade ( There are certian things that make me stick out like a sore thumb... one of them being how Canadians would have said grade 4.... I believe that scientist would call this adaptation)

 Jacksons first day on Kindergarten. All day kindergarten might I say. Harrison missed him so much today. Jackson was to tired when we picked him up from school that he was asleep within minutes of getting into the car. (He made sure I got a picture of his "doggy" backpack)
 Lincolns first day of  second grade. He was very nervous and anxious, but his teacher is amazing and calmed his nerves right away. He was so brave today.
 The kids outside of their new school. It is A LOT bigger than Cranston school. Right now their are 700 children in the school. but they have room for double that!!!!!!!!
Jackson in his Kindergarten class. Your growing up too fast buddy.


  1. The new kindergarten exhaustion lasts the first couple of weeks. It's such a long day for a 5 year old. Kindly was super tired each day but now with 3 weeks down she seems to be adapting. Tell the kids to hang in there. At least next week is only a 4 day week?!

  2. wonderful to read all the updates. Summer flies by so dang fast. I'm going to miss our lunch swap this year. I'm going to miss having someone to rely on when I am running late.

    You are truly blessed. The house looks wonderful! Looks like it has tile just like you about all the other features? It looks BEAUTIFUL!!! Can't wait to see it someday...and you guys too of course! How about we skype ASAP?!?!
