Yesterday was our yearly ward temple trip. I love this activity. It is such a good experience for everyone. It is an early morning, (5 am to be exact), and a 2 hour drive from Calgary to Cardston but the kids were so excited to go and see the temple. Our ward books a chapel in town where we can drop the kids off so that we can go through the temple. We arrived just after 8am and were rushing to get the kids situated to make the 830 session. Ben discovered the night before that his recommend was expired. We thought that we would be able to just get one of the members from the bishopric to vouch for him and all would be good. Not so. They would not allow him in the temple with an expired temple recommend. CRAP! Now this could have gone 2 ways. 1- Ben and I get mad and both leave upset and don't get to enjoy the temple, 2- I go in and he doesn't and one of us enjoys the temple. We opted for #2. It sucked going by myself (something that I don't want to do again in this life or the eternities...) but I love the temple. It is a great place to get a real perspective on things and to really get in touch with those things that are really, truly important. I am so grateful that we will have a temple in Calgary soon.

Cardston temple
Calgary Temple
Harrison is on day 6 of potty training. He is doing SO good!!!!!!!!! He is 2 days without an accident and this morning he woke up DRY!!!!!!! I so hope that he will be the first one that won;t need pull ups at night. I'm not sure that I want to do 4 of my potty trained kids in pull ups. It would be so nice to get him night time trained and then continue to work on the rest. I deserve it right?
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