I despise Halloween. I loath it actually. I think that it is by far the most worthless holiday. BUT the kids sure do love it, and it just happens to be Bens favorite holiday. So I am a little out numbered when it comes to my negativity about the whole day. Our ward had their yearly halloween party, this year it was a dance. It was lots of fun. The kids had a blast. Ben won for the scariest costume!!!!!

Is it me or is there something seriously wrong with this picture?
I have always been facinated with family history, but lately I have picked up working on it again. I went ot the family history centre the other night and worked with a lady in my ward (Darla Smigel) on trying to find my ancestors names. Together we found 15 names! I came home and was so excited. I found another 3 on my own at home the next day!!!!!!!!
Wow Ben! I didn't know you could look so good!