So I have tried writting in my journal. I am so not consistant at it and frankly I don't really like it. I thought that blogging would be easier. Not so. I am in so much awe at my sisters ability to just tell it how it is in her blog. I love how honest she is. I have decided to make this blog about me and my family. Anyone following is more than welcome to read the posts, but I have decided to stop worrying about others think and start posting for me.
Now thats I've got that behind me. I will begin. I have to say, these last 7 plus months since London has been born have definetly been challenging. There has been a lot of emotion on the surface of everyone at home. A lot of unknowns. A lot of unanswered questions. At one time, with her last hospital admission 3 months ago I honestly didn't know if she was going to live or die. How do I tell tell the other kids that their baby sister may not be coming home? She has had so many test run on her little body. She is such a tough cookie. I love my other children so much, but there is something so sweet about London. I know that we have been blessed with her for a very special purpose. I don't know what it is exactly, but there is just something very special about her.

London (7 months) and her bestest friend Eden (4 months).
I have had a lot of candid conversations with her GI doctor. We will call him Dr W. He is very good. I know that he has been a rough couple of 6 weeks, trying to get life back on the right track, but I am grateful that Dr W had the courage to speak up and to express his thoughts and feelings. It has forced me to start to make some changes with myself and for Ben and I to try to make some changes together. I met with him again today. I have been feeling as though he keeps pointing at me as the reson for Londons slow weight gain. I have left every meeting together questioning my ability as a mother and living in fear that CPS will show up at my door. I was happy to find out that was not the case. That being said, I think that maybe he needs to work on his delivery a little bit.
Harrison is 3 days without having an peepee accident. No such luck on the poop yet, but hey you got to start somewhere. I am so excited. He has also been dry for 3 mornings in a row. Heaven sent I tell you.
Lincoln is doing so well with his reading. I am so impressed with the progress that he is making at school. He is loving school and that makes me so happy. I was really concerned with how well he would do with school but seriously, so impressed. We are still working out a few behavioural issues with him, but all in all I have seen quite an improvement from the summer. I am curious to see what Dr Goldade says when we see her again in Novemeber.
Jackson is such a sweet kid. I love his hugs and kisses that he gives. He gives the best cuddles ever.
A couple of posts back I talked about my new stove and oven. Tahdah!!!!!! Here they are. Aren't they beautiful!!!!!!!