Yesterday was a very "special day".. in a very nonspecial sort of way. It started early (as usual) with getting the kids up and ready for school. At 738am our day completely changed. The lights went out..... I thought it was a normal outage like others that we have been through and the lights would come right back on in a few minutes...not!!!!! I quickly hurried the kids to finish their breakfast and shoved them out the door to the car (we usually ride bikes but they were in the garage... now I know what you are thinking, just pull the latch and open the gargare manually...well I did that once and couldn't get the garage door back down and had to wait until Ben got home from work that night to close it.... and since Ben is in South Africa and would not be coming home until Monday I figured that I wold play it safe). So we hopped into the car and arrived at the school promptly at 8am and off Harrison, London and I went back home to hopfully find our lights on..... No such luck. Long story short the energy company turned our lights off by mistake (when we registered for our power they imputed the wrong address and so they turned the power off here because up until yesterday the home builders were paying our bill :) So I spent 9 hours going back and forth between the service company and the service provider to try and despirately get our power turned back on yesterday. Apparently begging is not as affective as I thought because I was informed that it could take up to 48 hours for it to be turned on despite tears and children loudly begging and crying in the background also. Trying to be a good mom and make this experience fun, I allowed the kids to all sleep in the same room and have a "camp out" (Im not sure it was my best idea, but I was pulling at strawes by this time). I had previously ran to Target to grab some extra flashlights in preparation of a dark and quiet night yesterday, so each child now has their own headlamp. By 11pm the fighting, complaining of someone bugging them and being too loud and complaints of being too hot (remember we are in Texas where it is still summer weather and no AC). I myself was laying in bed pleading very quietly that a miracle would occur and our power would be on when we woke up. Once again.... no such luck. Poor Bailee went to school looking a little homeless with her bangs laying every which way on her head, and Jackson had extremely wrinkled pants, but we all got up, out of the house and to school on time. And might I mention, when me and the 2 rug rats arrived back home... we had power!!!!!!!!
Long story I knowm but one worth documenting. I must also say that we have been blessed with having some awesome people in our ward. We had dinner at a girls in the wards house, the kids played with their kids and her husband worked for quite some time to try to get their generator working and they were willing to let us use it to keep the fridge and freezer running. Unfortunatly he could not get it working, but I do have to say that my prayers were answered in those regards because our food was still cold in the fridge and frozen in the freezer after 25 hours with no power.
This is a video of the weather that we have been experiencing here. CRAZY rains.
I just had to add this video in because I thought that it was so darn cute. She has a mind of her own.
she is so cute!!