London has reached a new milestone. She has home care come in once a week for weight checks. She is now 8 lbs 10 oz!!!!!!!!! We are getting closer to having a 9 lb party!!!!!! AND she rolled over! She's getting to be such a big girl.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Our real live baby doll.
We have been having so much fun with London. She is such a blessing in our lives. The kids are having fun with her too. I think that they think that
they have a real life doll. What kid wouldn't want that. When we were visiting grandma and grandpa in Idaho Harrison decided that she needed to sit in the high chair to eat. So into the doll chair she went and out came the play food for London. She had quite the gourmet meal!
12 of the 13 grandchildren. Minus Jackson. He was a little camera shy this day.
So I thought that it would be awesome to get the kids a little pool that they could play in for the summer. I thought that they would have so much fun in it. So I went out and bought them a "little pool". A 12 foot diameter 3 foot deep pool. It would be perfect because they all could play in it together, right? We had this ginormous deck that would be perfect to put it on. My mom and I set it all up, filled it with water and let the kids go to town in it. They were having so much fun. They loved it. Best $100 ever.
We went away to visit family in Idaho and left the pool filled. My mom was keeping an eye on it and adding chlorine and balancing the water for when we got back. She had it perfect. And then uncle Matt dropped a bomb shell. He looked at the deck, and then look under the deck. It was seriously bowing. Like going to give in bowing. So down the pool went and when we got home we now had a "weekend" project on our hands. So with 2 weeks and counting our little "weekend" project is almost finished.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
It's been a LONG, LONG year!
So after not blogging for over a year, I have decided to jump back onto the blog wagon. So a lot has happened in the last year. Here's a little summary:
- I finished my school and graduated from BYU-Idaho with my BSN
- Ben graduated from The U of C with him MBA.
- We are no longer a family of 6 we are now a family of 7! We welcomed London Jeannie Mary Hughes into our family on March 13 2011, weighing a whopping 5 lbs 13oz. It has been quite the adventure since she has come along. She is now almost 5 months old and is tipping the scales at 8lbs 7 oz as of yesterdays weight. She has spent a total of 3 1/2 weeks in the Alberta Childrens Hospital having a sorts of tests run to try to figure out why she is not growing. We have our share of specialists (Genetics, GI, Endocrine, Metabolics and Immunology). They have taken a TON of blood from her little tiny body, she's had numerous procedures done, MRI, abdominal ultrasound, rectal biopsy, upper GI, barium Enema, Chest X-ray, EKG and LP. Still no firm answers. The closest thing to an answer that we have been able to get is that she may have what they call, Russell-Silver Syndrome. Its a form of primordial dwarfism. London has brought such a special spirit into our home. Her smile lights up a room. Whatever challenges she had been given I know that she will make the best of it. She reminds me so much of my grandma Lock. She was a fighter, and London is too.

- Not only are we a family of 7 now, we now have my parents living in our basement. Oh the stories my children will have to tell when they grow up. I'm sure of it. It has been so nice having them here. Extra hands!
- Our oldest, Bailee, was baptized. It was a wonderful weekend. Her cousins from Idaho surprised her for the weekend! She had so many family and friends there to support her. London was also blessed the next day. We call it our weekend of white.
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