I think that for Lincoln the first day of school felt like it was never going to come. For me our summer has been so long with yucky cold weather that it seems like school just got out for the year. Lincoln was very excited to start kindergarten. He admitted afterwards that we was a "little nervous" at first, but he had fun and likes his teacher Miss Rauser.

Bailee's an old pro at this school thing. She was so excited to be able to ride her bike to school. I am hoping the the novelty won't wear off. The first day of school is a bit of a gong show to begin with, but the first day of school in a brand new school... oh my.... thats is in another league of craziness. We survived though and tomorrow will be another day. Bailee loved her teacher Mrs Rassmen-Wood. I met her outside of the school and she seemed delightful.

The boys in the hood. Nick (left) is Lincolns friend that lives 2 houses down and went to preschool with him. They are like 2 little peas in a pod. They are so similar it is scary. I do have to admit though that I think even Nick can out do Lincoln in the energy department. Nate (right) is Lincolns best bud. They have been friends since their family moved here 3 years ago. I really can't believe that the day has come for these boys to go to school. Look out world because here they come.

The classic picture under the school name. How can I resist though. This school has been a long time coming (2 years in fact). It is a very exciting day for many reasons. Now onto day 2, 3, 3 and so on. Good luck guys!!!!!!!!!!